Classical Mechanics MCQs

Most important and tricky MCQs

These are solved MCQs of classical mechanics for university students to test there deep understanding and true knowledge of the subject.

These Classical Mechanics MCQs are taken from following topics.

  1. Newtonian Formalism.
  2. Lagrangian Formalism.
  3. Variational principle.
  4. Central Force.
  5. Hamiltonian Formalism.
  6. Canonical Transformations.
  7. Solution is given at the end.
  8. Kinematics of rigid body motion.

Newtonian Mechanics MCQs:

Q 1. A conservative force is the one
A) which never do work
B) work done in a close path is zero
C) work done is independent of the path
D) both B and C
E) None of the above

Q 2. By weak form of Newton’s third law we mean that

A) Action and Reaction are equal in magnitude
B) Action and Reaction opposite in direction
C) Always lie on the same line
D) A and B only
E) A, B and C

Q 3. Center of mass of a body is a point

A) On which body can be balanced in gravitational field.
B) Around which body will rotate in free rotation.
C) both A and B
D) None of the above

Q 4. The unit vectors are perpendicular to each other in

A) Cartesian coordinates
B) Spherical polar coordinates
C) Cylindrical Coordinates
D) All of the above

Q 5. We have a solid hemisphere of radius 1m. Distance between the center of  hemisphere and its center of mass is

A) 0m
B) 0.375m
C) 0.5m
D) 0.625m
E) 0.75m

Lagrangian Mechanics MCQs:

Q 6. The hours hand of a clock has how many degrees of freedom.

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 5
E) 6

Q 7. Cylinder constrained to move on a plane such that its axis of symmetery is always parallel to the plane then degree of freedom are

A) 2
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6
E) 7

Q 8. Which of the following can be used as set of generalized coordinates.

A) Cartesian coordinate system
B) Spherical coordinate system
C) Cylindrical coordinates system
D) All of the above
E) Only B and C

Q 9. According to principle of virtual work the system will be equilibrium if for small virtual displacement

A) Work done by force of constraints is zero
B) Work done by external force is zero
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above

Q 10. Which of the following gives the acceleration of Atwoods Machine when both masses are hanging with the string.


B) a=\dfrac{m_{1}-m_{2}}{m_{1}+m_{2}}g

C) a=\dfrac{2m_{1}}{m_{1}+m_{2}}g

D) a=\dfrac{m_{1}}{m_{1}+m_{2}}g

Q 11. Which of the following gives the acceleration of Atwoods Machine when one mass is lying on frictionless table.


B) a=\dfrac{m_{1}-m_{2}}{m_{1}+m_{2}}g

C) a=\dfrac{2m_{1}}{m_{1}+m_{2}}g

D) a=\dfrac{m_{1}}{m_{1}+m_{2}}g

Q 12. For a particle moving under the action of conservative force, the Lagrangian of the system is

A) Independent of position
B) Increases in the direction of conservative force
C) decreases in the direction of conservative force
D) More information is needed.

Q 13. Two particles are moving in space without any connection between them, How many Lagrangian equations can be written for the system

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 6
E) None of the above

Q 14. Two particles are moving in space without any connection between them, How many Lagrangian equations can be written for the system

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 6
E) None of the above

Q 15. Generalized force

A) always has the dimensions of force
B) always has the dimensions of work
C) May never have the dimensions of force or work
D) None of the above is true.

Q 16. The D Alembert Principle and Principle of virtual work

A) both are same
B) one exists and other one never
C) one is for motion and other is for rest
D) has no meaning without each other

Q 17. When distance between center of mass and pivot changes the time period of compound pendulum

A) Remains Same
B) increases
C) decreases
D) First decreases than increases.

Calculus of Variations MCQs:

Q 18. Calculus of variations can be used to minimize

A) distance
B) time
C) area
D) All of the above

Q 19. The minimum distance between two points between two cities on surface of earth (assuming earth spherical) far from each other is

A) Straight line
B) Circular arc
C) Parabola
D) Hyperbola

Central force MCQs:

Q 20. Which quantity is always conserved in a central force system

A) Linear momentum
B) Angular momentum
C) Angular velocity
D) Both A and B
E) Both B and C

Q 21. Reduced mass of a system of two particles is equal to

A) m_{1}+m_{2}

B) \dfrac{2m_{1}m_{2}}{m_{1}+m_{2}}

C) \dfrac{m_{1}m_{2}}{m_{1}+m_{2}}

D) \dfrac{2m_{1}m_{2}}{m_{1}-m_{2}}

E) None of the above

Q 22. In planetary motion the sun is always

A) on the center of circular orbit
B) on one focus of the ellipse
C) in the middle of two foci of ellipse
D) None of the above

Q 23. The time period in which a planet completes one revolution around the sun is proportional to

A) m

B) m^{\dfrac{3}{2}}

C) m^{\dfrac{2}{3}}

D) None of the above

Q 24. If mass of Sun is doubled some how the time period of planet moving in the same orbit will

A) remain same
B) Becomes double
C) Becomes half
D) Decreases to almost 70 percent.

Q 25. If mass of Sun is doubled some how the time period of planet moving in the same orbit will

A) remain same
B) Becomes double
C) Becomes half
D) Decreases to almost 70 percent.

Q 24. If mass of Sun is doubled some how the time period of planet moving in the same orbit will

A) remain same
B) Becomes double
C) Becomes half
D) Decreases to almost 70 percent.

Q 24. If mass of Sun is doubled some how the time period of planet moving in the same orbit will

A) remain same
B) Becomes double
C) Becomes half
D) Decreases to almost 70 percent.